How Twitter Betrayed Artists and A Defense of NFTs

“NFTs have been and still are an incredible boon for the artists who get into it, both big and small. All the big anti-NFT claims are either academically or observably false, maliciously spread by people who pretended to care about artists for years, only to be willing to do ANYTHING and turn a blind eye to everything”

As of today, this “How Twitter Betrayed Artists and A Defense of NFTs” video, uploaded by Uniquenameosaurus on 2022-12-17 02:23:39, was viewed 19338 times and had 1446 likes.

An NFT, non-fungible token, is a non-transferable unit of data that may be sold and traded and is held on a blockchain, a type of digital ledger. Digital media such as photographs, audio, and videos may be connected with several types of NFT data units.

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